
How to make a drop down list in excel font bigger
How to make a drop down list in excel font bigger

  • In the new e-mail message, click the File tab.
  • Open Microsoft Outlook and click the New Email option on the Home tab.
  • If a mostly blank, white window opens, click the Create button to create a presentation and slide.
  • Below the Blank Presentation option, click the Custom or Personal tab, depending on your version of PowerPoint.
  • Open Microsoft PowerPoint and click the New option on the left side of the program window.
  • When you create a new presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, you can use the new template, with the selected font type, you created with the steps above. Select slide template for a new presentation
  • Click the Save button to save the template file.
  • In the Save as type drop-down list, select PowerPoint Template (*.potx) entry.
  • In the File name field, enter a name for the template file.
  • In the Save As window, navigate to the following folder.Ĭ:\Users\\Documents\Custom Office Templates.
  • Click the Save As option in the left navigation pane.
  • After following the steps above to select a default font, click the File tab near the top-right corner of the program window.
  • Click the Close Master View option on the far right of the Slide Master tab.Ī font type is the only font setting you can set as default.
  • On the Slide Master tab, in the Background section, click the Fonts option and select a font in the drop-down menu to set as default.
  • In the Master Views section, click the Slide Master option.
  • How to make a drop down list in excel font bigger how to#

    See: How to create or add a slide in Microsoft PowerPoint. Then, you can use that slide template to create all future slides, utilizing the default font settings you selected. First, you must change the font settings for a currently open presentation and slide deck, and second, you must create a slide template with the font setting changes in effect.

  • Under the When creating new workbooks section, set the default font or Font size to your desired options, then click the OK button to save the changes.įor Microsoft PowerPoint, changing the default font settings requires you to go through two processes.
  • In the Excel Options window, make sure the General option is selected in the left navigation pane.
  • In the left navigation pane, click Options.
  • Click the File tab near the upper-left corner of the program window.
  • Click the Set As Default button at the bottom of the Font window, then click the OK button to save the new default settings.
  • In the Font window, select the Font, Font style, Size, or any other font settings that you want set as default.
  • The icon has an arrow pointing down and to the right.
  • On the Home tab, click the small icon in the bottom-right corner of the Font section.
  • Open Microsoft Word and create a new blank document.
  • That should still be tied to the zoom factor, and now be large enough to easily read. The change in worksheet font size should not affect the drop-down font size. Then, select the data in the worksheet and decrease the font size and adjust column widths so you can see as much of the worksheet as you could at the 60% zoom factor. You could increase the zoom factor a significant amount, say to 100% or even 125%. The font size used for some Excel controls is modified whenever you change the display properties in Windows, but none of those affect the drop-down font, either.īecause the font size increases in proportion to the zoom factor used for a worksheet, there is one potential workaround. Unfortunately, there is no way to change the size of the font. He normally sets the zoom on his worksheet to 60% so that he can see more of the worksheet at once, and the drop-down list font is smaller still. James asked if there was a way to increase the font size used in the column drop-down lists that appear when you enable the AutoFilter in Excel.

    How to make a drop down list in excel font bigger